Sydney Boys High School

Nurturing scholar-sportsmen since 1883

Telephone02 9662 9300

Supporting our Students

Student wellbeing is concerned with fostering attitudes of mutual respect and confident participation among the people who form our school community. It encompasses everything that our school and community do to meet the cognitive, emotional, social, physical and spiritual wellbeing of students. It is reflected in the way in which our school community demonstrates care, ensures safety and provides opportunities for our students to enjoy success and recognition, make a useful contribution to the life of the school and derive enjoyment from their learning. It is achieved through the total curriculum and the way it is delivered. It stresses the value of prevention and early intervention. It provides enhanced curriculum and support services for students and ensures that the school acts as a point of reference to link families with community services.

Central to student wellbeing at SBHS are the Head Teacher student wellbeing, the Year Advisers and the Values Education and Senior transition Programs. They are supported by the School Counsellors, the School Learning Support Officer, the Careers Adviser, the Anti-Discrimination Officer, the Anti-Racism Contact Officer, the Aboriginal Contact Officer, the Student Representative Council (SRC), the Prefect Body, the Peer Support and Peer Mediation Programs and High Resolves Leadership program. Furthermore our students’ awards scheme and STAR letters positively recognise student achievement at High.

Student Wellbeing Programs - Overview (PDF 79 KB)

The School Discipline Policy

In their dealings with one another all members of the school community are encouraged: to show courtesy and respect for others, to allow students to learn and teachers to teach; and to care for the environment in which we live and work. These simple undertakings form the basis of our policy. Minor breaches of discipline are handled in the classroom, in corridors and playgrounds and at sporting or excursion venues. Repeated or serious breaches of school rules are referred to Head teachers, Deputy Principals or to the Principal in defined circumstances. These events are recorded on the Students Astray Database (SAD).

Peer Support

An integral part of the wellbeing structure is the Peer Support Program. The overall aim is to develop in students the understanding, attitudes and skills needed to live a healthy and safe lifestyle. It is designed to facilitate a smooth transition from Primary to Secondary school, to build new relationships and to provide a thorough orientation to Sydney High. Two Year 9 students work with ten Year 7 students once a week on structured activities throughout term one. Activities allow students to practise effective strategies for: communication and listening, relationship building, decision making, problem solving, assertive behaviour, empathy with others and conflict resolution.

The Student Award Scheme

The aim of the Student Award Scheme is to encourage and recognise participation in a wide range of school activities. There are six categories of award: bronze medallion, silver medallion, gold medallion, special award, school plaque and the school trophy. There are ten areas of achievement: academic, summer sport, winter sport, carnivals, performing arts, school service, debating and public speaking, competitions, environment and leadership. Certain criteria must be met in each achievement area.

Each year students need to have teacher certification for six or seven of these achievement areas to gain the appropriate award. Awards are presented at Year assemblies and the recipients' names are published in High Notes.

Healthy Lifestyle

Our PD/H/PE programs stress the importance of a healthy lifestyle to our students. Drug Education is an integral part of the Personal Development Program. We encourage boys to join competitive sports teams or active cocurricular groups to increase their self-esteem, sense of belonging and to reduce their time of exposure to the drug culture. We strength test each boy and assess their fitness using national benchmarks. We promote strength training within our supervised weights room program. We encourage the construction of personal fitness improvement programs monitored by trained supervisors. Good nutrition is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Appropriate diets are recommended for various sports. The school has an Outdoor Education policy with camps involving a number of physical activities and skills for Year 7 through to Year 10. The Outdoor Education webpage is located under Curriculum.